Christian Life,  Poetry,  Prayer

Rhythms of Grace

Rhythms of Grace


A metronome ticks
Allows no room
No manoeuvring in the spaces
Accuracy is all to
Observe the rules

The true artist has learnt the craft
Understands time signatures
Counts the beat and still dances within it
A steady pulse of life
With a joyful rubato
The expression of freedom and love

2. Fly Fishing

You cannot do this well if your stance is rigid.
Instead, stand in the stream, and
let it flow around you.
Be one with rod and line.
With a loose flick of the wrist
the fly arcs and settles on the surface.
breathe in and out,
listen to the peace
the surrounding life of riverside,
your senses alert to any slight tug.
A natural blessing.

3. Walking

It’s the pace of your heart
with your heart-friend beside you
Be silent
Build a song together as you go
Its lines are the journey you
write together
emerging in words and music
at the day’s end
to be sung and shared in the
inn of your rest

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